
Are we just window shopping?
With today’s fast pace, who has time to talk face to face? With that said, the natural way we build a relationship has changed. Cell phones and tablets are quicker and reach a more vast amount of people than speed dating. We are bringing more importance to timing and appearance than our grandparents could ever expect.

So is dating online taboo?
Is it just for meeting sleazy people who don’t even want to use their cheap pick up lines for an easy lay?
Or, could it be that in our busy lifestyles we result to swiping right or left to meet our next relationship?

I’ve been single for three years with a little non-commitment dating here and there. I got on a dating site, kind of as a joke to see what it was all about, and if anyone actually took it seriously. As you can expect it was a small step up from the infamous Chat Roulette but at least you could weed out what you wanted. The ‘bros’ and the ’30 something momma boys’ where a no go for me. Although, I did find some contenders.

So through this all I have grown a couple, and branched beyond my opinions of online dating, to put it to the test.

The Experiment:
I will venture out on 10 first dates to discover the trends of dating in today’s day and age and if its even worth trying…


Jumpin’ on the blogwagon.

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Blogs, blogs, blogs. We don’t plan on getting sponsorships from Gucci or RayBans, but we hope to be a little entertaining. We enjoy what most people do. Little travel here and there and trying to keep some money in the bank.
