


To work within the psych field I loose touch with what socially acceptable behaviors look like . It can come off kind of morbid, when seeing a person with open wounds covering their forearms, an individual is expressing clearly delusional thinking, and your response is appearing with a genuine understanding affect. These are usually situations most people would hope to never cross. But for me and many of the nurses, doctors, therapists and techs that assist in treating individuals that reach this point, this is a regular occurrence.

Most are rarely educated on behavioral health and how someone becomes depressed, or psychotic. They say: “they must be on drugs”, or “they are just seeking attention”. This could be the case, not all the time, but every action is for some sort of reason… people react to different stimuli through their own eyes.


“The Reason I Jump”, is a book written by Naoki Higashida,  a thirteen year-old boy with autism allows you to gaze into his thoughts. He immaculately depicts his perception on how he reacts to stimuli and it’s differences from ‘society’s’. Highly recommended and inspiring. 

But what trends do we set with in a society and why are they important? Our set social expectations resemble the same empty motives. They are just our conditioned stimulus. Within a crowd we made judgements and accusations only skimming over a person. How certain situations or experiences are received through our senses, then how our stimuli react. Just like the infamous conditioning experiment Pavlov ran, where the dog resulted in salivating when he rang the bell. Sparky did not always salivate when bells went off, he put two and two together. After the bell rang he would receive food, leading him to anticipate being fed before even seeing his meal. He knew what to expect.

As humans, do we think we know what to expect in every circumstance? Whether we have dealt with a similar situation, or heard about Susie’s cousin have the same thing happen. We basically start mentally preparing ourselves. Anxiety starts fueling our mind and body. You can think of it as we all start the salivating process.

The real question is, why does it matter whats socially acceptable? Why have we come up with ‘appropriate behaviors’, such as eye contact, shaking hands, laughing when a joke is said. We have learned from our initial reactions as an infant. Whether a child was naturally delivered, or associates a rabbit with a frightening bang, as seen in the classical conditioning from Watson.

Think of the word ‘normal’. What is the definition of normal? We are all individuals, we perceive everything differently. Colors are only an illusion, as for your green is seen differently than my green, (not because you are color blind either).

So we only begin to make judgements after we realize, you don’t think ‘normally’. And what I subconsciously don’t realize is that ‘normal’ is not the right word, its just different. Its your individuality, your personality, your likes/dislikes, your DNA.

When an individual with Autism is not understood, a person with depression sinks into withdrawal, a lesbian couple cannot share their devotion with the world, an interracial family feels lasers soaring through their backs as stares never end. Your normal is my normal, because normal is your own definition, as is mine…


Saint Maarten



‘Did you think that would work?’.lines




With this experiment comes some pretty unimaginable conversations that make you think the world has no hope!

The people on here are either just idiots or have really converted themselves into idiots and can never redeem themselves. They say things that no person in their right mind would have the balls to say in person. What does this mean? Do they really know what they are saying, how they sound? Is this the reality of dating today?

People either get nervous, act like fools to impress, or sit back in the corner and do nothing at all. Confidence does say a lot about a person; however, confidence to use the trashiest pick up lines ever known by the bro infested caveman, is not the same!

I guess it might seem confusing to for girls to always insist that they need a strong confident man to sweep them off of their feet. But the missing link is that these confident moves need to be real not disguises to pounce on their prey from behind.

With that said you can tell the difference between a person who knows sarcasm and someone who is oblivious to how they are coming off.

So I have a list for you of the many messages I have gotten from online dating and you can choose which works for you!

These are real guys and real conversations so if you like them, there’s hope for you! (That’s my sarcasm).

1#: “Will you sit on my face? So I can eat my way to your heart.”

2#: “Hey sexi”

3#: “SURPRISE”   (… ???)

4#: “Cheesy lines girl I’m too unique for cheesy…..Ima have to express the sugar in my hot chocolate like it was pepper….what did that make sense?”

5#: “If I could rearrange the alphabet I’d out U and I together.”

6#:”Hey can you give me a ride to buffet palace?”

7#: “I’d fight a pack of stray dos in a port-0-potty with my hands tied behind my back and a dildo as my only weapon to have the chance to split an 8th of weed and handle of vodka with the doctor that delivered you!!!”

8#: “sex 4 money

And some proof:        



Are we just window shopping?
With today’s fast pace, who has time to talk face to face? With that said, the natural way we build a relationship has changed. Cell phones and tablets are quicker and reach a more vast amount of people than speed dating. We are bringing more importance to timing and appearance than our grandparents could ever expect.

So is dating online taboo?
Is it just for meeting sleazy people who don’t even want to use their cheap pick up lines for an easy lay?
Or, could it be that in our busy lifestyles we result to swiping right or left to meet our next relationship?

I’ve been single for three years with a little non-commitment dating here and there. I got on a dating site, kind of as a joke to see what it was all about, and if anyone actually took it seriously. As you can expect it was a small step up from the infamous Chat Roulette but at least you could weed out what you wanted. The ‘bros’ and the ’30 something momma boys’ where a no go for me. Although, I did find some contenders.

So through this all I have grown a couple, and branched beyond my opinions of online dating, to put it to the test.

The Experiment:
I will venture out on 10 first dates to discover the trends of dating in today’s day and age and if its even worth trying…


Jumpin’ on the blogwagon.

other stuff


Blogs, blogs, blogs. We don’t plan on getting sponsorships from Gucci or RayBans, but we hope to be a little entertaining. We enjoy what most people do. Little travel here and there and trying to keep some money in the bank.
